The Tabernacle of Moses

I have taught on many different subjects but one of my favorites is “The Tabernacle”, because with all of its colorful symbolism talks about the greatest gift of all times, Jesus Christ. Besides the Tabernacle, there is no other study in the Scriptures that reveals in a profound way through typology and symbolism, the Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It gives us details of the saving and redemptive work of God and we can also see the believer and the church operating in God’s divine plan.
The study on the Tabernacle through its symbolism and typology, though at that time was a shadow of things to come, will also allow us to have a better understanding and appreciation of the Word of God and the plan of salvation.
I must warn you that the beauty of this study is lost when man pretends to look for his own benefits instead of seeing Jesus Christ in every aspect, as the Tabernacle in its entirety represents the glory of Jesus Christ our Messiah. It’s when you come to know Jesus and have a relationship with him that you get to know everything about God’s divine purpose with your life.
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Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Tabernacle part two

Before proceeding any further with the study, let's observe that every piece of furniture represents Christ in some aspect:

THE ARC: His Deity: Gold; His humanity: Wood= “THE GOD MAN”
THE MERCY SEAT: Christ as our Propitiation
THE TABLE OF SHOW BREAD: Christ the Bread of Life
THE CANDLESTICK: Christ our Light
THE ALTAR OF INCENSE: The fragrance of Christ to the Father and Christ as our Intercessor.
THE LAVER OF BRASS: The Word of God (From Genesis to Revelations, the main Subject is Jesus Christ.
THE BRAZEN ALTAR: Christ as the burnt offering of God and our Redeemer.

This furniture was located in three different sections of the Tabernacle. In the Court of the Tabernacle you found the Brazen Altar and the Laver of Brass. In the Holy place you found on your left as you walked inside: the Lampstand, on the right: the Table with Show bread. Directly in front you would see the Altar of Incense. As you continue to the most Holy place, behind the veil you found the Arc of the Testimony with its Mercy Seat. We combine two different concepts in which you see Christ in the Court of the Tabernacle as Savior (the Way), in the Holy place Christ is the Intercessor (the Truth) and in the most Holy place, Christ is in His throne (the Life). I want to invite you to read Ephesians 2:19-22 and 1 Peter 2:5, 9. (Please note that some Scriptures I will not write out in order to gain space for the rest of the study, as some can be very long. I challenge you to make them part of your devotion.
In our next study I will begin a journey through the Camp and will be writing about the Priesthood in comparison to Jesus as The High Priest, followed by the descriptions of each furniture and how they represent the beauty of Jesus Christ’s plan of salvation for all mankind. I will also be answering the famous question: Was it true that the high priest was tied by the ankle with a rope to be dragged out in case he died in the most Holy place? Have your Bible ready.
If you desire to acquire a very colorful, and self teaching POSTER I designed ON THE TABERNACLE, beautifully laminated on both sides (water proof) in English, Spanish or Portuguese and follow me with this study, please visit
My brother Richard will make sure you will receive one right away.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Tabernacle

When we read in the Scriptures in the book of Exodus Chapter 25 verses 1 thru 9 we see a clear indication on the specifications of the materials to be used and the reason for the Tabernacle. Later on in this study I will be presenting a chart about the meaning of the colors, materials and the numerology. There is nothing about the tabernacle that was made arbitrarily but it was done with meaningful specifications given to Moses by God.
The reason for this tabernacle was so that God could dwell among his people, which has been God’s purpose all the time, even before he created man. Even though God lives in us, nonetheless his intentions are to be as in the beginning where He had communion with man in the Garden of Eden, and was able to be “with him” instead of “in him”. This relationship was broken when men let sin take over his life and sin is the only thing that separates man from God. It is interesting though that the book of Revelations (21:3) reveals what God’s ultimate intentions with relationship to man is.: And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.”
The Tabernacle describes, in all its colorful typological beauty, from the beginning, what God’s plan for mankind was. Later on in history, we see God’s majestically orchestrated plan of salvation taking place as he reveals the real Tabernacle “Jesus Christ” “Emmanuel” “God with us” coming to earth to reconcile man with his Creator. In John 1:14 we see the “Word” “Jesus”, becoming flesh and making His dwelling among us and read also in 2 Corinthians 6:16b. It was necessary that in order for Him to dwell in our hearts, that He would be sacrificed (I’ll touch on this subject further on in our study when I write about the “Lampstand”). Thus ascending into the heavens to be seated at the right hand of the Father and sending us the Holy Spirit and now Jesus lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Ephesians 3:17; Galatians 4:6; 1 Corinthians 3:16. Please read also 2 Corinthians 5:1 and John 14:2, 3.
Please note that when we read in the Bible, the order of the construction of the Tabernacle began with what represents God and His plan for man kind: The “Ark of the Covenant” and its “Atonement Cover” (The Mercy Seat). Now you may ask: why didn’t God begin with the door of the Tabernacle, instead he began with the last piece of furniture? Please remember that salvation was God’ plan (not man’s), it originated in God and he made His way to man. No man made religion will ever be good enough to reach the presence of God. Unfortunately man has been trying so many different ways to get to God, when God is actually telling us that it is His way through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus himself said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Look for the rest of this study in the blogs to come. Please feel free to copy this article as it is intended to spread the Good News and not for any other purpose. My book, which is now in Spanish, is available and soon it will be available in English. Look in the next issues of this blog for the Tabernacle poster which is now available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. I will also make available other teaching materials that will be a blessing to you. Please pray for this ministry.